World Epoch Events (Three Cultures to Reject)

Murica: Before the Ice Age, a cursed tribe, the Dahomey, bred into an Indian tribe, the Muricans; higher than the Brahmin, the leaders of the Afghan highlands and jungles.  The global biome at the time dependent on red algae in the oceans, they cross-bred created the red herring; attracted to its own profile of color in a school of fish, the red algae was consumed, creating the Ice Age and starvation epidemics, worldwide.  Survived as Germans, the Aryan Ideal.

Bangalla: Around 6000 BC, 8000 years ago, the Dahomey mated into the Bangalla, a Congolese tribe; entrusted with architecture to prevent discordances, serial murder and war, the opposition was seeded.  Religion, a structure to cause murders and bind armies to kill those favoring family and hearth, within ambition and individuality, was created, destroying the commune concept of food shared with those successful, therefore becoming rich as an idol.  Survived as Austronesians, the Maori Congress.
Scythia: Around 2000 AD, the Dahomey mated into the Scythians, a Russian tribe entrusted with doctrine protected through espionage, to prevent breakdowns of genetic and industrial basins of labor and support; those genes and related extracted lands of labor, necessary for the continued growth and survival of the human race.  Now, espionage is undone, industrial theft and patent stripping replaced with copyright of vision.  Survived as Connor O'Neill, the first progenitor, genetic kin with "General Butt Naked", of Liberia.


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