Childhood Antisocial Disorders (Sociopathic Personalities; Sexual Assault in Perception of Justice)

 Once qualified for higher level, then lower level is possible.

Type Nil: Direct application of propaganda, diagnostic, or fiction, without ability to change.  Criminal.  Flaw: believes that proper respect is racist, for an advantage in social maneuver.  Highschool diploma.

Type A: Application of monetary theory, as wealth being from own small share, any committing fraud is depriving from same theory.  Collegiate.  Flaw: Incapable of dealing with homosexuals, due to the homoerotic assumption of own support in childhood feeding by parent at table (sharing is caring, etc.).

Type B: Application of multiple deviations of gear works political support, into singular entity of pairs, with any given group protecting the accused as the victim.  Lawyer.  Flaw: Incapable of simplifying theory, for police officers, without the police officer causing a military conflict (sports teams logic, in international politics).

Type C: Application of national theory as death being disrespected if opposing sacrifices, any given world event to be averted by support of abortion of child on mother’s choice of safety of family to others, if child born.  Military officer.  Flaw: Refused of accepting orders based on political support of genetic impossibility, of locking antiquity combat duel (racial dissonance).

Type D: Statement of argument as test of support, with acceptance without inquiry or conversation, lowering neutrality, as de facto support of argument stated or given; therefore, without associates capable of having returned conversation and question, violence and complex betrayal, forwardly planned from sign granted.  Politician.  Flaw: Incapable of working with those inside psychiatric or hospital system, due to perjoratives in industry given to those wishing debilitation of public.


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