Jewish Foundry Tactics (Family Monopoly Strategies)

 Charlebois Monopoly Strategies:

 Ray Charlebois: Ray Charlebois, can marry you at any time, by making an Einstein tongue, when you land on the prison hedge.  The wife can be replaced.

Diane Charlebois: Marvin Garden, is a chic name, but it is unattainable.  She can have sex with you, any time she wants.  But if you buy Marvin Garden, and give it to her, you'll have the night of your life.  In the grave.

Michael Charlebois: The race car, is the thimble, the way he handles it.  Take the race car, or else you'll have to masturbate tp Michael Charlebois, as a woman, forever.  But which of you, is the lady?

Steve Charlebois: Marching the board backwards, is the only way to win.  If you let him buy all his railroads, backwards, he'll give up and stop.  Otherwrise, he wins.  Regardless of the score on bet, you'll do a mob hit for him.  Then he falls off the wagon.  Back to Alcoholics Anonymous, to talk about Monopoly, and have your cop friends, watch the news, for Gambler's Anonymous.  You'll rack in all the dough, but not pizza.  That's whitebread.

Ellen Winston: The card play, is the preferred play, but if you don't take a card, she won't play one.  Do you like the bank?  It's a telegram.  Lawyers only sell Kingsford Charcoal, and a Weber Grill.  Did you forget your rubber bucket, in case it rains?  You played Monopoly, with Ellen, and left the Mossad, to make more money, in the Church of Satan.

David Charlebois: Only buy side one, and side three, no railroads.  Otherwise, the game is a hoax.  Then they find you drenched in shit and piss, hanging from your door knob, with a belt around your throat.  The Master Chief has been shot, by MI-6, the ensign from Halo 1.

Jack Winston: Charles Winston, can't play.  I'll steal his soul, by pretending there's an extra player, Charles Winston.  That way, I get out of jail free, by putting you in jail, to send Charles Winston, on a hit.

Charles Winston: Did you know that Bowser, freed the slaves, and made the song, "Amazing Grace"?  The 3/5ths Compromise, is the negotiation on the purchase, of housing, or board spaces, that you already own.  He knows how every black man, was shot, throughout history, with this same play.  But he does it to a Jew, to make them his slave.


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