Ranks of Infidels (For the Sunni-Catholic Alliance)

 Vicar: They practiced Buddhism, yet they’re a Deacon, Vicar, or Canterbury Bishop.  They don’t qualify as a Catholic priest, a non-Buddhist martial arts champion, otherwise gay, a Minister, a fag (Baptist, Methodist, or Lutheran; cop clergy census, racist pogrom bigots, or anti-Semite Mafiaso hitmen)

Jew: They’re practiced Buddhism, yet they’ve refused to combine alcohol and marijuana, in the same sitting, a sociopath (they can’t shift singular form, to another, or outright ignoring, a bigot, a conservative; they think literal print, is stuck in form, a slave to the Jannissary system, Ottoman Israel).

Hamas: They’ve smoked opium, with marijuana, despite being Catholic, they walk slow, a Buddhist, instead of a Christian, a Yemeni Papist’s rank, otherwise committing suicide immediately, a combination of three, instead of two, proper form of law, spirit, and intent, hidden (a courier, hidden law, a leader, hidden spirit, or a terrorist, hidden intent).

Anglican: They’re a Neanderthal, but they haven’t had alcohol before age 15, a child molester, a sex offender; a false form of Japanese Shinto and Irish Mantingle, planted through oil wells, except on Natives, now Enlightened, unless Gay, Abstencht, minority hunters as leaders (hacking of passwords and ciphers, dodged by mathematical cheats on paper math, psychiatric doctrine failures on paper sheet of future mathematics, the notice of new problems designed by Neanderthals, to solve world problems, started by Anglicans; honor meaning family, at highest peak of produce, dishonor meaning revenge, at having been challenged, proving monetary compensation, at expense of Anglican pocketbook, the concept of the vagina inverse of penis of knowledge).


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