The Consequence of the Insurance and Espionage Industries (Low Birth Level)

How to spot a "wet blanket":

A wet blanket, wets the bed once, as a child, then has to eat the blanket piss with the blanket over their head.

That's why they eat vegetables, a mental debilitary, a type of constant fixation which weakens the mind due to a low iron level from meats and dairies being purged too rapidly, hence dementia occurs, and eventually, the individual is rendered senile, by age 40-50.

Hence, you can spot that the wet blanket, has been born into a family where the economic class status gratum, the philosophy of treatment towards other families, encourages other families to remain in place in residence or town or province, and also believes in limiting mating heterosexual couples and children; the parents, were child molesters, they gravitated towards touching of someone  else's ears, scalp, or neck, particularly with hands or face or chin.

To spot the wet blanket, see if they're fixated on urine.

Their parent, suppressed an attorney's hire, for their own financial purpose, after receiving a special prison privilege.

Hence, their children, won't have a family, they will be chronic thieves, particularly shoplifting, and won't understand the tax burden; the implement and inclement state, of their parents, having removed a banking philosophy from at least one other individual, hence inducing pederasty at witnessing a gambling rhetoric for wife be reduced to nothing, the woman victimized by witness, now a lesbian.


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