Shyster God Sets

 This is advice from the father, when asked what "God" is. To fail your son or daughter, instruct them what "God" is prematurely, or take the side of a clergy or chaplin, when they are instructed, instead of letting them cheat. 

If instructing to imply they have failed, your child will be homosexual, a narcissist, a hyper-lucid street pimp attempting to steal a man's life through a dead woman (The Joker, from DC Comics). Otherwise, give them one of these, when they inquire, "What is God", in some form, especially denying God (a smart kid, trap him with one of these, just one).  

All forms are capable to a Coward's line, the lines of Zhang Rong, the Uighurs (Sauds), Attila the Hun, the Yu-Siang (Serbs), and Muhammad, the Kurds (Turkmen).  The inherent loathing of gratified touching, refusal of ceremony and ritual, and consideration of fraternity as homosexual therefore to be leveraged in heterosexual blade grip, is throughout each of these instructions to a child as to their public focus in the view of all, while privately, they practice each one as they choose.

Pashtun: “No.  That is all.”

Cheating, by sending infantry.

Kurdistan: “God is finite.”

Refusing pattern of group tactic, to most offend foe per skirmish.

Turkmenistan:  “You are at waste.”

Crafting of recipe ideas, all lethal, if altered.

Greater Eastern Mongolia: “What is the worst?  God is the worst.  I am not God.  It is you, my son.”

Creating a foreign leader, by act of assassin, through self displaced.

Hanchu Province North Korea:  “I am a lesbian.”

Practicing evasion to train in subversion of true intent through chase.

Federal Marshalls: “God is a job.  Not yours.”

Removal of all Magicks, unless a government crafted agent for receipt of police wares.

Texan Bounty Guild: “A Jew isn’t God.  I am.  An x-man.”

Moving into position as a draft, to plant target kill, then extract as sign of self to home unit.

Alba Playwrights Society:  “God is a joke.”

Use of common fiction, with a reworked measure for own personal field exercise, at live gun.

Fenian Brotherhood:  “God is living alone.”

Removing a single Mafiaso leader, into a traitor, to Ireland.

Bombardier Gunsmiths:  “Eat Spanish.  It’s God.”

Placing a patent into distribution to be rejected, to clear original mnemonic inventor's family to wealth.

Belreve Clan of Anglican Monastics: “God is the love of the game.”

Invention of a complex, half-shodden make-up, through an observed cheat, to be stolen into a sport.

Damascus Syrian French Gateway: “God is a French moquarie.”

Masturbating into a pillow, to refuse any descent from refusal of male sexuality.

Azerbaijini Mercantile Trade Guilds:  “Ali husha nushen Shah.”

Establishment of conception of crime, as separate from proper term of logic.

Danish Loremasters: “Where is We, but me.”

Placement of foe as hero in lethal game with friend defected as referee, to refuse cheat of contract.

Viking Swedish Weapons Dealers: “Rifle brigades are God, Holy Saints Be Ours of Zurich Mons.”

Placement of arms token into hand of victim, when threat of life at hand, as informant to service.

Bugsy Wheel Roulette Men: “God is a bad seed."

Cracking casino codes of numerology, to make self unemployed in literature film tactical stardom.

Mufti Palestinian Grass Smugglers: “God is your sense of community.” 

Historian studies placed into wards with breaker points of other soldiers as predatory to own kin.

Midwestern Spaniard and Negro Ballclub Accountants: “God’s the game, dog.”

Arrangement of abacus logic to make 'sculpts', to create art out of embezzler accounts managers.

Southern Napoleonic Plantation Spies (Mining, Rice, Lumber): “God is a Horse.”

Placement of semen through rape of self after seduction of female serial killers at refusal of flirt.

New England Accountant Privateers: “God is the Marine Corps, son.  I am sergeant soldier, and you are dog, shithead.”

Five contributions to Britain made ages 14-20, then shift into secondary mode of state to hunt friends.

New York Magicians Guild (Wiccans): “ God is a non-homophobe.  Eat shit.”

Placement of gay soldier and rapist soldier together in military unit to end corrections trap of union.

Dutch Country Amish: “God is you.”

Service to British Parliament on rifle arms mission at high stakes of field gambit.

Swiss Zurich Literary Fraud Guild: “God is not what you do, it is what you are.  You are just a child.”

Resurrecting a beloved author after death to create a form of decrypted swindle of finance.


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