Direct-Indirect Hyper-Retentive Worker

 To raise a child that will have a hyper-retentive memory, thus completing complex basic tasks in very early childhood (3 months to 12 months), and moving to simplified complex tasks in adulthood (20 years to 30 years), thus reversing the Judeo-Hellenic spectrum of heterosexuality (moving from asexual to heterosexual, immune to homosexuality), the following perserving test must be made.

The child must be offered, one year before the mother's standard year for potty-training an adult Christian child male of some success in her family, the option of using the potty training toilet, or alternating moving back to the diaper, for making a "BM", the mother's term for a "poop", the former a mother's term for her child, the latter a pedophile's term, an unfit mother (someone bound to school teacher's logic of South Carolina, the origin of most textbooks on the subject, "Dr. Cop", sometimes phrased as "Dr. Spock").

This way, the child will "mess himself" (to be cleaned by the father, not the mother, at expense of AIDS for the child, a falsely labeled homosexual), and move back to the diaper, for a fresh try, the next year, on the "date" (the baby's birthday, to be attempted on the first month).  Therefore, the child will naturally hold their "farts" in, until highschool graduation, instead evacuating them in their bowels.  Any male rival (the normal conversion to bisexuality, a prison victim), will convert to a false form of Islam (insanity, the proper criminal term) and transition them to a regular farting male or a female stalker (a Juwess, not an actual Jew, expelled upon this note) will diagnose anyone with a police persuasion as "national intelligence", Hitler's term for his "jackboots" (or another leader, always unsuccessful, your child a national hero in the press of foreign countries, still, even Brazil, with leaders extolling them).  If both, your child will be a movie star, without realizing it, having attracted harm from youth, from mother dying (you were a poorly fit woman, Miss, your child is your only hope, for your cinema star days, of youth, before you were raped, by a false Hollywood suitor - please read, Loves, you are my only two hopes, man and woman, Adam and Eve, be I Satan, the one to pass on this legacy).

All that's required is a standard potty training manual, and of course, a diaper training lesson, and a mother willing to train her son at prison dominance.  If there's an alcoholic godfather, then it's an opposite of the godfather in terms of action, and if it's an uncaring godmother, then it's a bunny mastermind, someone who helps all the mice while believed to be bopping them, until a mouse becomes a godmother herself (not a goon, someone who leaves on their own).

The child will approach their direct objective, flawless, while their indirect objective, their cover, is approached with rationale of failure, despite hyper-probable success, to the relevance of running the unit, and failure in their own mind.  Protect the child, Luke.  This child is Boba Fett.


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