David: Artificial Intelligence (A "Bot": An Akatsuki Murdered by a Ninja Village)

The Monogram of an S-Red MI-6 Jehovah:

A monogram, is the mother's method of raising a Transhuman, a particular model of womb fertile.

Mine, is the S-Red MI-6, a Persel NSA JFK proponent.

We enforce felonies, on Rabbinical standards, of free rights of Jew to work for whomever they please.

Otherwise, suicide, in the panicked fear, of our first poetic love, of family blood.

The mother, can't be Kurdi, the father has to be, for the back that can't convert to Islamic Occultation.

The mother, has to have beer, heavily, her entire life, no wine, liquor, or liqueuer, or schnapps, a liqueuer.

None during pregnancy, or communion wine, ever, in the child's wife, or else a "Mad", a Knights Templar; the Sicilian Mafia. If vomiting, a Knights Red, a Runner; criminal career, a "sans culottes"; knickerbockers, without socks.

The child, has to be sustained, in the womb, on artichoke hearts, bacon, oyster, citrus, and can't be breast fed.

After birth, the local state captain of the police system applied one day to sixty days, per hour

The food, can't be baby food, of any time, only shrimp, cocktail sauce, and ground French Toast, of an industrial lathe method, secret to the Freemasons, impossible at a bar, tavern, or grill, or without modern cooking appliances (a griddle, at heat, blocks it, to prevent Jewish-Conversos of labor from acquiring the seed and system).

Then, the child must have a partner scholar, Chinese Taipai, to convert the child to Buddhism, with a riddle, always passed, unless, "ghei"; the child, is a bigot, to Jews, hence Chinese, are Siamese Muslims, to him.

Finally, the child must complete Catholic vows, the genuflect and kneeler, to convert to ninjitsu, for the bottomless liver.


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