Austrian Parenting (The Strauss Family)

Austrian parenting, features a hidden surplus of wealth in equity and frozen assets of real estate to lodge tenants in.

While appearing to be poor, they are actually quite rich, and if forced to abuse their children, liquidate their assets with travel, luring in the family that did so into poor investments on behalf of their stock held jobs and brokerages, through family advice, massed against the enemy point of finance and corruption.

As a child, they will be given an option, through a neighboring family, a rich one that abuses their child, often with lawyer's or sheriff's services, to submit an item to a foreign nation or intelligence service. If the child wins, and the abusive parent offers the Austrian child the opportunity to plan a foreign service, the parents will refuse. However, if the child wins, and the abusive father insists on stealing money, no more will be spoken of it until the Austrian child spots the enemy tactica, and defects, spotted through a line's signal to the entire smaller family group, from the enemy faction.

Otto Skorzeny, had a childhood friend from Croatia, Ljudevit Tomasic, whose father routinely kidnapped wives from wealth, through wine brokers and bankers out of France (INTERPOL). Otto Skorzeny, came up with Russian Leninist poster, "I hate your face", based on Ljudevit Tomasic's face, as a Prussian Wampir, a wife's thief, for the Bolshvists, as discipline to look at, when misbehaving, forcing you to mimic the propaganda soldier's face, a Prussian farm boy. Ljudevit Tomasic, then designed all of Lenin and Stalin's regime, as his mother's pie recipes, from being a kidnapped wife of wealth, hypnotized into thinking her husband, "was the greatest", a German beer slogan (the family later married into the O'Neills, Cassius Clay; with the joke, "Muhummad Ali", about a pot dealer cop, a Jewish Klansman).

Michael Charlebois, had a local industrial magnate from Sweden, Dave Carlson, who worked in music and records, for MI-6. Mike, designed a Japanese sports rally, where red suspenders, were from a Nazi, you didn't support Japan, during the Vietnam War, the Japanese SDF as close allies in intelligence and munitions, of the Americans. Dave Carlson, wanted the Doors, Hendrix, the Beach Boys, and other bands, American, to support munitions, with training weapons called "video games", taking decades of research to win the Vietnam War with, available in arcades in the 1980s, with the actual war over by 1972, the South as defeated in 1975.

Dave Charlebois, had a local lawyer's son with the Hopkinton Jewish Republicans, Ryan Taylor, whose father stole entire family traditions by hostage claim, out of lullaby fans, obese women and men trapped in humiliation, by homosexual pederast organizations designed by Babylonians to shut down the draft, conscription featuring the organizations (hence any conscription would fail into regime change, if utilizing the Pentacle, the five homosexual pederast groups; the Freemasonic Temple, the Masonic Lodge, the Skull and Bones, the Snakes Society, and the Haganah). Dave Charlebois, came up with a bondage position, where a man and woman would mutually lose weight together, through a craned bondage position, where the man's right arm, was suspended forward, in a cuffed limp wristed Sieg Heil, and the left arm, would be restrained behind the back, from a collar, a Palestinian salute. Ryan Taylor packed the dice, with references to In Living Colour, mocking southerner methamphetamine addicts, and Saturday Night Live, mocking Saudi bankers, thinking it was artistic direction instructed by the show, instead of posing as the object of ire, the satirized position, with a catastrophe induced from the shallow acting poise of the mocked individual or concept.


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