Dog Stilting (The Defense Against Racism)

 Human beings, while lower canines in evolution, developed stilting, the gay dog refusing to stilt, and the female yap, not a bitch, becoming a runt, from doing the same.

Since ancient India and reforms against racist behavior (authoritarian behavior, terse orders, and the presumption of another necessary to obey to keep society safe for the individual’s family ordering), a system was developed.

Chinese Buddhism, Japanese Ninjitsu, Rabbinical Judeaken, European Knight’s Cavalry, Native Medicine Shamanship, Latino Warrior Code, African Baron Shango, and Arab Sufi Dervish, are all identical to each other, but the names are traded, to prevent bigots from converting.

All of those forms, the pre-pubescent placing, of the heels, above the knees, for aikido (left leg forward, protection against a sexual molester by transducement of forms if another applies sexual dominance unwelcome to the aikido practicioner) or kung fu (right leg forward, movement between scenarios to break a potential rapist or clandestine agent by taking them between two accusations, the clandestine agent breaking into homelessness), are identical.

If not practicing them, a woman never develops her uterus during puberty, or a man, needs fellatio or amphetamines or medical equivalents, for an erection.  They are lesbian or gay; they can’t masturbate on their own, or gain arousal from observation.

If attempting conversion, after puberty, they convert to Idiocy, what you call “gay culture”, Islam.

In addition, any practicioner, is immune to anti-psychotics and anti-depressents and liver damage, since their liver only excretes bile, it doesn’t intake and store bile.


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