How British Literature Plays With American History Texts

Character Alignments:

Black Adder (BBC Series).

COBRA (GI Joe comic book concept).

Batman (DC Comics license).

SPECTRE (James Bond 007 slander piece).

Subgenius (Tent Organization for Juwish Mothers).

Black Adder, is the plots and missions. COBRA, is the border country representations of operatives and role types. Batman, is the MI-6, the Irish division of the British Army (English) and the British Navy (Arabic Caucasian or Aryan-Jewish). SPECTRE, is the jokes made by American politicians, that are loyal to Britain, as well as the external ruthlessness of the organization. Subgenius, is the field strip, through religion being arbitrary, to return to the mother's preferred religion for child before ritual; this way, the child becomes the hooker the father saw, that the mother is jealous of - therefore the child is a potential criminal asset, unless in a border territory, necessary to be raised for the role, as a Wasp (a field assistant, intended to disrupt an unit interfering with free flow of information, outside of patent laws given recipe, label of produce, and industrial patent for safety's concern).

Countries of membership: Canada, Bermuda, Cayman Isles, North Ireland, Scotland, Wales, Cardiff, Sotheby's Auction International, England, Zurich Finances Gateway, Australia, Tasmania, New Zealand, Papua New Guinea, Collectivity of Kiribati (jointly owned by French commissars, out of Israeli Canada).

Foe: The Kingdom of Italy, the Wehrmacht, and German Norverstraum (Austrian Black Flag Radical Conservatives).

Neutral: Israel, Ireland, Idaho Commissarates (American pig and potato farming).

System of Government: Non-Despotic Monarchy, Guaranteed Civil Rights of Tax Levy, Through Parliaments and Sequins Adjoining, with political party formed by one eighth of vote of attorney's board (judges magistrate), tax rate potential inclined at fifteen percent, removed upon party's dissolution, tax rate potential guaranteed removed by five percent. This is a permanent suffice, unless dissolving Parliament to become an Imperial Agent (India) or removed from Union due to slavery tax tariffs on collected contract (United States, Israel, Botswana, Idaho Potato Farmers Union, Microsoft, Apple Libel Laws, NSA Colloquiam, People's Communist Republic of China, and Taiwan of the Orient Shipping).


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