American Government Sexual Disorders (Don't Kill This Guy, He Could Be Lee Harvey Oswald)

Teacher: Sexual Molester. Places personality disorders in, to remove learning disorders. Sociopathic disorder, is a learning disorder, not a personality disorder; it is the absence of personality disorders.

Treasury Agent: Pedophile. A child's crime, is punished if performed as an adult. A child can't counterfeit money, shoot a world leader, or fraud a case of profession without adult assistance. If an adult does it, it' s treasury investigation.

Police Officer: Rapist. You are throwing a man, in prison, to place him into a state of derelict mentality.

Federal Agent: Pedophiliac Conduct Disorder. You are placing a hard bar, against a fraudulent personality, attempting to protect someone, anyone, attempting to make a government role dangerous by adjusting the sexual disorder.

Espionage Officer: ADHD Psychopathic. You have no reservation, in destroying someone, for the rest of their lives, for invading your space by them initiating the act, to determine the boundaries of your assigned task.

Flag Officer: Polyeiditic. Combining a teacher, treasury agent, police officer, federal agent, and espionage officer, the flag officer gives orders and receives them, giving under an illusion of fiction as a test of loyalty, receiving as own recognizance when observing a military tactical failure.

Doctor: Sociopath. Someone with each learning disorder having acquired to doom a parent that is otherwise fine, but however placed in improper status, each doctor is a dentist, at basic form, having noticed the poor tooth health of their opposite parent, the one non-marked in status. A doctor, psychologist, therapist, veterinarian, surgeon, nurse, journalist, or assassin. They have no personality disorders, hence are a sociopath.

Lawyer: Perfunctive Degree. A lawyer, college professor, or accountant, has no learning disorders, therefore has each personality disorder acquired from school, having taken each shortcut possible, however with instruction from a parent. This indicates their parent, instructed them on how to cheat the system, and did not impart morals of the system by force, hence they will prevent others from cheating, by allowing themselves bested, the proper form of application of a collegiate system. As well as a court or tribunal or taxes audited form of government.


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