New England Italian Catechism

Stages of Catholic Practice:

Circumcision: A male's foreskin is removed by a hospital surgeon, from a Catholic German Evangelist affiliate doctor from overseas, in the hospital. This is so you will always masturbate or ejaculate, for your work schedule and cycle, even with severe but not life threatening damage to the shaft or testes.

Baptism: You are dipped, in jude's ointment, a marble water well substrata from a Baptismal font, as an infant, over your nose and tearducts. This makes you immune to simplifying signals and derivatives, so you are always at a heightened awareness of complexity.

Zazen: You are converted to shinobi Buddhism, age 8-11, by taking your heels, and flipping them over your knees, then reversing your breathing so your mouth comes in, and your stomach goes out, and vice versa, a permanent center of balance to make you immune to push tells from anyone "leading you", instead forcing them to trap themselves in their own lead, reversing the written evidence of any report attempting to entrap you through extortion. If under fire, you move from left leg guided forward, to right leg guided forward, moving from andrenaline aikido counters, to a permanent kung fu state of maneuver without hand to hand.

Confession: You are tested to see if you have a political connection in town outside of the Catholic faith, to see if you can't do a reverse curl, the father of a priest or deaconess, allowing you to engage with a prostitute of Catholic "vinyard", a luxury woman who will somehow barter a fee with you for pornography or the equivalent to produce a heir as a Roman assassin, a Centurion. The failure to do a reverse curl, is for a knife, gymnastics, and a semiautomatic pistol, for a priest or combat trainer, male or female.

Confirmation: You are declared an adult in the faith, picking a Patron Saint based on the first woman to approach you, as the crime of faith she has committed based on Patronages. If you have selected falsely, a traitor in the faiths is nearby, and they are determined through the detective's exam, someone in town who is in a police union as a deacon or segundo, a Knights Templar, the undercover union of informants. The traitor is determined through your letter, to the Bishop or Archbishop of your Diocese, and analyzed in your choice of book for Confirmation registry, to see what his objection to you is, by theme of book. The traitor is then recruited as a Jesuit and placed to follow you, for an easier method gaining entry to school, now tasked with producing psychotic inducements of logic for children that physically assault Catholics to be given (for hire, at local businesses, run by Catholics).

Rosecrux: You are tasked with avoiding Rosecrucianism, an expulsion from the Church and denial of Excommunication (Excommunication, being marriage within the Church, another cycle for your child), by setting the Jesuits up for a criminal act, covered for by the Jews, upon a political brokerage of the Jesuit offered to place past Jesuit research material, into Pharisee print, with squads of Catholics working on 'jackboots', taking the Jesuit into power, then eventually disposing on him, with each failure to assist a Catholic, resulting in an informed tipoff to the home parish, or any chapel remaining in range, after the Jesuit has failed to contact the priesthood supporting his collegiate status, on a request for a Catholic intercession, any among one of dozens of forms of interlocution (a Papally supported military act, to redeem the government and remove a corrupt envoy practicing felony in the name of law).

Catholic Concepts:

Christ: A bisexual male, from having sex with a feline, having been taught learning models, to generate a crisis and then fix it, to make money or earn status. A psychiatrist, a form of serial killer.

Christianity: A wing of Judaism that Christ resurrected, a Chinese curio dealer, prior prohibited in China upon reform (Cao Cao and the Wei Kingdom). The sale of opiates laced with vitamins and poison scrub grass (anti-psychotics), for removal of stories and information, and print in public press, to murder police officers and their families.

Protestant: A municipal dweller in a community, dependent on state for aid, outside of the Catholic Church. If named after the founder, a problem belief system, once fixed, then removed from course of logic as hunted at live arms for abusing the impoverished (hunted by Protestant police, with Montsignors, armed priests with hand guns from the state police rectory, prior to that, thieves' daggers, the rapier or curassier's glove poison prick).

Priest: A Centurion (sperm stolen child) given responsibility over civilians, for supplying exorcisms, a pro bono defense attorney, to the poor, from management of funeral homes and cemeteries, to monitor which individuals are not visiting the funeral graves; hence, they have been placed as a temporary police agent, a first generation cop (an informant), and feel themselves owning or owing to the community in control. They are incarcerated and their children, are lured into shoplifting upon obvious spot, by Catholics; they then become badged uniforms.

Bible: A set of names, situations, events, and concepts, that are illegal to duplicate, hence they are in print, the basic concept of any book of literature to study; if a scenario is in writing, it is not be used, but if it is in stage, it is to be duplicated.

Heresy: A voluntary trial, as a prank on a legendary dick inside the community, to see if they think a Church ritual, is mandatory. Upon going, their entire highschool teacher's set is allowed to attend, secret, and they are asked, what they think they are charged with, then are allowed to present their case, in front of police detectives (deacons) and insurance salesmen (friars) and combat trainers (nuns) and spymasters (monks).

Secret Order: An illegal form of logic, that has been made into a secret society, because it caused a technological epoch. The gay identity.


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