The Republic of Eire

"Bred", means you've had a disadvantageous mutation, but it was useful, so people got you into wedlock.

Jews, are allergic to the ooze at the bottom of the deep sea, required for clam beds when the ooze is drawn, 'thrushed', into shallow waters. Shrimp, eat the clam's waste, and clams, are full of the ooze, even when steamed and eaten (a delicious treat with butter). Because of this, Jews can never be comfortable sleeping, and are constantly psychopathically sinister.

These are very nice things, unless you're a thief that's sleepy. The Jews, arrest you.

Irish, should be wiped out. We've had tens of thousands of years, of miserable filth, unable to clean.

Prohibition, in the 1920s, was trying to kill us.

Now we're all police officers, look at that.

Evidence locker, anyone?


The Irish have a trick, to living.

We take a set of laws regarding a ritual, and we take a set of rules regarding abstaining from the ritual.

Then, we follow the laws as best we can, while refusing to abstain from the ritual elements in the guide.

How to raise your child, "Irish":

You have to teach the Irish child, that their father, promised they'd never be poor again, the first time he gets fired, with the child born.

The earlier into the child's life, the smarter and more mentally ill the child.


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