Freemason Accountant (The Obsidian Order)

Mercenary Privilege Espionage:


The concept of architecture, through roads and thieves signs, combined with currency sigils and lexicons of words, have created the culture of the mercenary privateer, the origin of all martial arts forms, military finance, and currency exchange, involving mariner’s culture, as well as business houses for corporate installations and thieves’ curses for stealing these guides, all within this list.  Be warned, reading this particular entry and cheating, is among the most dangerous, particularly if you have stolen a child, a dubloon, by sperm, ovum, or egg, a lesbian’s hag, known as a hoary first.  A female is the first pirate of the line, of any line, to become an official sailor, privateer, and merchantman, and that requires a tutor, outside of marriage, to save the male having instructed upon learning, the thieves’ oath.


The road, is a basic structure or unit of commerce, featuring cracks, shiggles, and dandies, the concept of wear, maintenance, and tear, from movement, fixing crews of paste, and weather detritus fouling waterways.  Meanwhile, thieves signs, such as execution posts, banners, and hack signals, are all manners of warding away criminals, who have committed murder, theft, and banion, acts of killing a thief, a mercenary crime of state, or an act of stealing a fraud manual from source unpublished without pay (even by gift, the thieves’ curse of infamy for forcible fraud, unpaid contract without consent or liability from act of mutual just cause of work).


The thieves culture, has several levels. 


First, is the contract culture.  One moves from thief, to pirate, to navy, to buccaneer, to spy, to soldier, to general, to politician, to subculture, growing older and wiser, based on several elements, descending generations of family, unbroken if successful, shamed if not, wiser if always, a king’s line, depending on betraying hoars, unbrothed holsteads, the term for a cow of state, an easy mark in womanhood as a man, a pirate with a son of another royal line born to kill, an assassin cuckold, also known as a concubine’s woman, a komon geisha san nan, a snake’s dagger, a deadly hindu blade, or a killer face child (in Milwaukee Iroquois, the home tribe of the protocol tracker of zenny). 


Second, is the strep train culture.  Strep, is the term for a throat’s oar, the various tricks and techniques to teach Kray, a contra form of knifemanship taught with a metal cup, a table, and a tack, your hand off-held, passing to the hand held, the coon, the term for the catch, of the weapon, represented by the cup.  This is the basis of your martial arts form, and dozens can be learned, passed between sporting and martial arts cultures for eternity, each family line with a particular invention, such as football, handegg, boxing, kung fu, karate, and pravdala, representing business (family, in term of proper logic), wage finance, assembly, management, penance, venture, and finance, known culturally (some listed elsewhere), as shekel, stage, blade, jitsu, zen, and dindu.  There are many others, of course (the author’s zenny sheet, is bartistu, known falsely as cane, a deliberate misaphorism, actually combination pulver, a type of sheet metal boxing intended to blade fist at close range with strikes and strokes, to cause fatalities from inner organ damage, not internal organ, a common confusion, taught by mother first, then son, then father, then fatality warning of orgasm groan from mother, necessary for successful marriage, the tightest form, besides zen, the most fatal, impossible to combine, unless staged with zazen, pulver first, then zen, with lotus, from a professional techniques magician, Chinese, half preferred, match culture of home if necessary). 


Third, is the game culture, to teach the line, two-fold.  The strep train that is unique, the invented one, gifted to the woman, the first of the line, is turned into a basic set of rudiments, a solitaire, based on getting to know the woman, platonically and perhaps as temporary lovers, for years, deep conversations and bearing of the soul and probing, mostly from male, the Howard, the dead pirate, that’s been burned on a six string quarter, five contract drops for home state (explained later, it’s a double aphorism), before a forced pair occurs, and a street hit from father, to save more important assets (endowed children of lineage, always blood, never step, and especially not sperm theft, unless joie, an assassin strike is needed, the child was a kill face, that means, the king’s line of home country, has been betrayed, in which case, a sale’s auction occurs, a bulk is sold, a box of no-good, a group of notes all encrypted in mathematical psychometric, with a frozen schizophreniform break from a unique three-point sikh and a linguistic trick common in the thieves culture called false trangenderism homosexual submissive homicidal extension of self, making the notes worthless, plus one block algorithm, of the king that was betrayed at beginning of encrypt, to keep his entire method of religion, non-specific, from using the terminology, from usage – this guide is locked against Hindi Islam, but can be employed by a Yidditz, an Arab or Jewish gaming circle, however it’s a 333 Bones, meaning that religious, psychiatric, and information law will flip, for the users and contract exposures – this is referred to as a blood ruby, a mother died because of the king, the assassin was betrayed by intent of birth).  Then, the game culture, the unique solitaire game, must be adapted, to a martial art, moving back to the second stage, to create a new fighting form, even something simple, such as Irish butcher (table etiquette, for athletes, doctors, nurses, soldiers, spies, gentlemen, wealthy, pioneers, campers, hikers, pilots, police, and anyone else who wants to be clean, keep their dwelling tidy, and otherwise be capable of self-defense with three types of home available cutlery, and of course cook fruits, vegetables, meats, butters, dairy, and sugars, including confections and baked goods).


Fourth, is the descending culture of parent child through three descending stages, once a child from the female thief has been born, to begin the generational logic.  This is a reference to a counter-form (first), a law enforcement form, the first form, with a broadening form of damage depending on how many people defeat your child, the more defeats indicating a much wider path of destruction, meaning that the earlier your child is knocked down, the more harm is caused by their eventual self-pin, the transition to ‘tranny bear’, a transexual obesity common in individuals that have picked with any government agent or cop or soldier or politician or officer, or even a common thief or pirate, called ‘mobsters’ and then after the ‘spooge’, the takedown, called ‘guidos’, and finally, after they self-pin in a mass circle, unique to your invented art of game, ‘bears’.  They will breed down lines, as ‘tards’, a rude term these days for the developmentally disabled, but actually meaning, they can’t walk properly, they charge through areas and wrench their wrists in circles, as if alien beings from another planet.  The second form, is the link, for a danger crossing, with a particular set being the danger signal phrase, based on the martial arts form’s secondary culture, only available upon deep understanding between father and children, and then a danger position of path change, for the mutual signal, combined with a military patrol term for a ‘patrol’ and a ‘support’, with a ‘flank’ as invoked by ‘support’, patrol being the endangered son, support being the father, and ‘flank’ being the support’s last successful contract.  If there was no successful contract for ‘flank’, then the option is taking the ‘vessel’, meaning a witch walk, marking the neighborhood as unsafe, meaning that there is a confirmed theft of sperm, and a Howard has occurred, meaning a new witch is about to be initiated, with the test of thief, pass, or fail, sales of technique, the more potent the contract agent selling, the more disastrous the witchcraft to the psyche of the reader, on the market.  The patrol, gives a return signal, to support, if flank is needed, and then support, checks to flank, and returns silence to patrol.  In the case of a suicide attempt, with a fall, and a survival, the witch signal is to be initiated, and will do so appropriate, the slimmer odds of survival, being the more potent the contract agent.  The third and final level, is the criminal survival, the pinned position.  A danger signal is given to the father, and a cutoff occurs.  A staging level of three, in a thieves den of third axis agent sent from harbor host (mentioned at bottom, staged in above), that has betrayed the first five contract set (explained briefly below), is spying, and a story has been told, to the pirate, no longer a buccaneer, now a nautilist.  This is the identification of fact, then followed by identification of forge, a trap to the foe in a series before a confirmation of alias off statement of culture serious, never non-serious, directly from source, and then, the pass to false alias, the broken contract to be engaged with the ‘burn’ party, codenamed since World War 2, ‘Hitler’.  His castle is to be returned, and he kills himself, he tucks his shirt in, like a pre-suicide victim, just the same reason he was hazed constantly in Germany, throughout European history, to this very single day.  If the painting burns itself, and a contract is forced, a mass burn follows through, called ‘Basterd’, the whole world explodes, you are a legendary spy, and someone, was a douche.


Fifth, is the culture of locks, from the set of right, movement, left, kill, and down, slap a bitch.  Right, movement, is to be invoked in normal status, a standard maneuver to eliminate a foe impeding.  Left, kill, is for an espionage mission only, and may not be deadly, but it will be big.  Down, is for a woman, and only a woman, otherwise pedophiliac, any age.  A poser, always takes down, they are stealing.  Bat, Bond, and Match, are the generalized terms, stolen constantly, since the 10th century BC.  Bat, matches Cat, Bond, matches Snake, and Match, matches Smoke.  A Cat, is a zero, when placed down, indicating bestiality, a teabag, when placed right, indicating a flirt at a male pedophile into a suicide, and when placed left, indicating a self slap on the wrist to recruit an agent from a bust, to local police.  Bond, when placed down, indicates a mark of territory, when placed right, indicates a location surveillance and a meal preparation, when placed left, indicates a contract of data and a timer to spoil to fire and trigger when gone, and Match, when placed down, indicates a booze sale or narcotics officer bust to a minor, when placed right, indicates a joint at a concert or a beer with dad, and when placed left, indicates rejecting two women into crossing political or administration commands onto one man, for a lesbian sex scandal, shutting down a bureau.  These are common terms, and they rotate, into an artist criminology (invoked as subject, study, or art), a cleric economist (two broad nebulous terms narrowing so specific they apply universally), and a campus snitch criminal (with three possible arrangements, the stated when listed never appropriate, indicating context, scenario, and situation of statement of individual spread, not always listed prior to parenthesis).  Together, this is a comic book, the Bible, religion.  A famous retreat, never to be taken seriously, there are important matters at hand.


Sixth, we have the seven points of play.  This is each and every single one of the above, the Bat through the train, the set, and the locus, the Bond through the foul, the game, and the cheat, and the Match through the aware, the law, and the lose.  You have a strategy that breaks social rules but follows the table, you have a term of tactic that obeys the laws of principle observed but plays by your own set of terms, and you have a set of six logic cheated applied through one followed of rare gene culture held by self of pride (the family cutter).  These are your family scruples, changing every generation, determined by most rejected thing of concept in logical category of all six forms, besides genome, being the reason for cheating, hence your most iconic trait of the martial art practiced.  This is for decryption, the concept of a coded cipher, to place on the foe, through any work or artifice, a placement or drop of your signature tag, through your movement along the three lines, left always being the enemy playing itself to display their tactic as yours in revealing their inner secrets, down as being an averted strike to play up into you to match you in shape and personality if a woman, never if a man (fight, bad one), and right to place a foe into a friendship’s grasp, then escape.  These are all lethal to invoke, once you hit the mark.  You will some day have a set, of legendary aliases, one per culture, throughout your family, the things your family is hated for in that culture, and beloved everywhere else, once you hit a lockpick of legendary proportions, with a new type of disaster created by your honest fumbling attempt to survive, the ‘halfwit’, written into fiction or public suit, not the ‘kill face’, that’s a serial killer, he’s an assassin, he’s going to get written into a film or publication as a superhero, many times over, goddammit, he’s Howard.


Seventh, finally, we have port terms.  “Jamaica”, “Split”, “Language”, “Pick”, “God”, and “Mason”.  This, is the ultimate code, the Mercenary, your Money.  Jamaica, is an ancient term, from Rome, for a dubloon, for a washer, a financier, a false side, your first five contracts, before taking the false contract, to betray for your original power of hire, until you die, forever.  Split, is the Spy/Hustler, your name in your preferred language, your contract of original hire from your first leading lady, your mother of thieves, and your common miscontrument, building over time as you build insulting legends for sales jokes, the terrible and insipid job as a part timer of any professional spy.  Language, is the lockpick, you will find, in any culture, unique to your line, imparted by self, impossible to understand for someone else, of how your six sets, three pairs, work, in dueling circles.  Pick, is your manner of engaging people at all times, within roads and crosses, the term of drafting with a false lexicon and term of using literature for trade to obscure the fact of your art, combined in the crucifix, the skeleton key that gives you the key to your true trade, drafting, art, wine, and cobbles, management, product, and chaos of environment, the architect (not city planning, that’s for a film guy).  God, is you, and you are money, and you are priceless, you cannot be bought or sold, if someone kills you, there is Hell to pay, they collapse into their own ruffian, they become thugs and brigands, to try all over again, it’s something a kid never understands until he’s a Joke, he wins, or he dies trying, he messed with a higher contract grade, and went assassin into a poor marriage with a royal, a queen.  Mason, is the final degree, the ‘i’ the lowercase letter of Masonry, the concept of having no rules, but Skin, that’s not a single tattoo on your entire body, or else you’ve witched, you are a draft, sir, good luck, get the wrong one, or you’re queer, Navy.  Unless you went Annapolis.  Holy shit, Mister President.  Or Missus Lucky.  Did you shoot porn?


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