Faiths and Mentorship

 Each time a civics movement form, they are adapting to a social situation that is necessary due to a system of management being absent, however due to the absence, the first faith to develop the faith has an initial success, before lapsing into poverty, due to the civics system being spread to too many people, leaving an elite at the top that adapted to the faith by virtue of being the most ruthless in adapting it. Each time, a new system is developed, a technology, obseleting the faith, and any within it who attempt to adapt to the faith, are rendered homosexual male if they attempt to apply the faith beyond the implement of the faith possible. Each time, a new technical prowess is developed, from a base form.

African Shamanism: Developed under the precept of teaching children fictional stories for survival later in life, each story related to a particular practice. Obseleted upon invention of hieroglyphs for symbol of understanding, giving African shamans a mental impediment as to the teaching of their stories, hence they have a sense of three dimensional thought instead of silence, the three dimensional thought now used for economics, engineering, architecture, and computer science, all derived from mathematics.

Iranian Zoroastrianism: Developed under the precept of prevention of committing recursive errors in the neurology by use of prayer to avoid future reductions in freedom of behavior, with the concept of Heaven (freedom to act) and Hell (limitation of form). Obseleted upon the invention of meditation, allowing individuals to perform any act they wish, with no particular limitation of action as related to building pattern in neurological terms, allowing sexual inhibition to be shielded in appearance but released otherwise, hence Zoroastrians grow obese at failing to make love despite having lived a life full of prayer, the chastity now used for chemistry, nursing, psychology, and medicine, all derived from narcotics.

Israelite Judaism: Developed under the precept of tracking a community's individual needs with tracked ledgers of numerical terminology, this form was made as a method of community management to guarantee that all needs were met in the community, and charity was offered to anyone that could not support themselves. Obseleted upon the invention of the road, allowing individuals to move between areas and enhanced the transit of goods to one area to the other, allowing military bodies to assist in the support of communities, those in need of charity now joining military bodies, hence Jews grew villainous and secretly shamed at failing to manage those within sight due to failure of tracking those they wished to take under influence for exchange of resources, the villainy and shame now used for espionage, intelligence, social work, and journalism, all derived from politics.

Roman Christianity: Developed under the precept of managing a farm's management and the shipping and granary stock thereof, this form functions under the method of holidays, stories, priests, reliance on alienation to be another sect hence alienation from self, and a lack of the term 'God' in self, God being the neurolinguistic root of all words, instead ascribing it to the entire world, hence an individual is nothing to the needs of the entire community. Obseleted by the donkey plough, the ox cart, the cotton gin, and more, allowing the invention of stories that do not follow deliberate paths, hence Christians grow violent and affiliate with criminal sects when their friends and countrymen are successful despite following a story that they recognize, attempting to locate a weakness to protect them from, yet the individual is making a clever play on the story, indicating a high intelligence quotient at a trade other than farming, even farming no longer requiring Christianity, since the first donkey cart, the violent and criminal behavior now used for police work, undercover work, interrogations, and military science, all derived from physical fitness.

Arabic Islam: Developed under the precept of taking advantage of preexisting cluster typographs of human personality in three dimensional form of analysis, this form functions on taking one's full, whole personality, and applying margin forms called Occultations to practice political espionage of profession, achieving a clever method of performing work with simplicity and individual freedom, by employing breaches of order inherent in the margin form in two manners, either in a meaningless manner along an insecure but strong line of order, to employ a taught margin employed in permanent imprint via fictional story written, or a harmless manner along an insecure but strong line of order, to move backwards and rest from task, all tracked by poetry to indicate label of origin and art to indicate purpose. Obseleted by the invention of anti-psychotics, allowing the stabilization of cluster typographic flaws when under stress, to allow individuals to eschew margin forms and instead learn engrams with a full range of non-dimensional skills outside of the capacity of Euclidean math to describe the psychiatric range of skills, hence the Muslim becomes irrational and confused and cannot properly navigate pathways when dealing with individuals on anti-psychotics, the resulting antisocial disorders now used for popular literature, engram-driven artistic systems, television, and modern music, all derived from the link between the subconscious necessary mind and the conscious illusory mind, referred to as the Superego.


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