Camp Perry 5-10 Weightlifting

 Many people will assume that a 'shred', a ideal combat form, is necessary for warfare.  As many countries have proven, long before the advent of the mace, it is not.  A 'shred' build, is for the mace, a method of smashing enemy infantry apart, if surrounded by the foe, and not friendly troops, lending to question why the mace has been brought to the field in the first place, unless you are reliant on the proper form, the toned outer body.

The Camp Perry form, is the toned outer body, however designed for civilian readiness, and also for a constant work stage cycle, known perjoratively as 'Hitler' among Costa Ricans, due to the success of their national army using the form.  National rivalries aside, let's look at the Camp Perry Five Ten.

The man, freshman year of highschool, will require a ten pound weight, or a woman, a five pound weight.  You will need a modicum physical labor job, for the man, or a desk and office job (not 'or') for the woman, in highschool, for two years at least, junior and senior year, finances provided.  Sportsmanship is not expressly banned, but will be a decatler, a lowered grade point average, necessitating military officer's school at an academy (a captain's rank, a lieutenant flight deacon's bar, or a first lieutenant's naval officer badge, non-submarine, since the form requires you to be 'mobile' when planning).

The man, after freshman year of college, will require five pound weights, for his knife or pistol grip, or the woman, after freshman year of college, will require a grip flexer, for her lamas and lambadas training, for long point rifle, the term a female SWAT uses for her aiming and grip on a flexed wheel chassis, for her car or plane, the firearm designed with a women's grip in mind.  The man, meanwhile, will be incapable of using a standard or clutch shift, on his car, not necessarily an impediment, since you'll pick the right woman (no stock car hollies, a snitch in your unit, that wants a movie to be real, as opposed to a drunken infatuation with death, real warfare for the CIA).

You'll want the same set of exercises, freshman year of highschool, and the summer after college's first year.  Regardless of weight or sex, of course.

This is in two standing positions, watching a wall hang, not the self, or possibly a television set, if a 'drop', you've dropped out due to meeting a 'shred' that challenged you and you didn't 'homo' him, developing a set reference set, to dropping 'queers', the man who wants a sexual fetish as the opposite sex, once you've defeated a single shredder.

The first, is the bicep, ten pulls, palm up, going to the shoulder, and then, on the opposite arm.  Then, the tricep, ten pulls, palms side, thumb up, going to the shoulder, and then, on the opposite arm.  Then, the hangout, pulling the palm side on the hip, out, to shoulder level, and then, on the opposite arm.  Then, the stiff, lifting the weight palm to the top of the arch beside the ear, extending the elbow inwards on the lift, for a full extension (be careful), then a lower, careful, for strength glide, then to the opposite arm.  That's four.  Here's the most important, five, for the field walk, to avoid looking 'gay', to the 'shred', so they'll be easy to take down, into a homoerotic state, on field marshall's brigade, indicating they're an enemy service, to your country's soil, and any country they're in hereafter, for being a mace player.  Bend forward, with a hand braced on a 'soupe', a couch, and go directly at the near square from the waist, knees straight, lifting the weight outwards, from a hang at your testicles (or for a woman, her mens, not mense, ladies term wink wink), and pull your arm out, from the hang front, and out to the shoulder grip, palm at the level with the sternum, and then let it smoothly run back in, not dropping or forcing, ten pulls, then switch.

And that, is the Camp Perry Five Ten.


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