Judas the Templar

 It is the Catholic Church's observation, not their system, that some things are "anti-Semitic", "anti-Catholic", or an "eyesore".  These things, are called "Christ".  If you've ever been to Mass, you may remember Christ, as the big guy suffering for your Sins, you've committed, in view of Christ, at any given time, but you may view and observe Christ, at Mass, whenever you feel necessary.  He is there for you, deified, suffering like a torture victim for whatever Christ did. 

But what did Christ do, pray tell?

Christ, is a person, who figures out an illegal system in a foreign culture, and teaches a bunch of white people it.  Yeshua of Nazarene, invented psychiatry, the Chinese system of murdering you with a "bento", a piece of opium, rolled into a ball, scrubbed with scrub brush from poisonous plants, then fortified with vegetables, to keep you alive while you provided free media to a warehouse broker, called a doctor to them (all of China), before being given about in stories of legend.  Another one, invented prosecutors, his name Hiawatha, the foundational theorist behind the United States Constitution, so instead of a judge, and your advocate, working out what happened, the state is represented by a man tortured by alcoholics meetings, until he can't function, and does whatever the police ask him, for another gold coin from a mobster broker, an undercover cop (a sponsor).  Perhaps you've heard of Martin Luther, marriage traps for cookies sold by children, or maybe Muhammad, starving to death while you collect trinkers for your wife.

All of those, and more, are Christ.  If your father, is into one of those, and has used society to trap your mother, you are Judas Iscariot.  It's a Catholic rank, for an unsanctioned undercover cop, that goes around, busting up your mother's trap, for fun, like he's a natural killing machine.  Some people call them trolls, meaning they've offended the Knights Templar.  The Knights Templar, are people sold to anti-Semites, but the Gilded Halls, businesses with gold letters as a meeting convention for 'brunk' (not brunch, smart guy, but rather a discussion over party snacks), tell you to call them 'Jewishes'.  That way, they feel awful important, and do whatever the Knights Templar tell them to do, with you, Judas, the poor bastard (intentional word, bastard), from any faith or walk of life, whose mother has been betrayed by injustice.

This is just how to understand your son, if they've come to you, in a trap that comes from an antiquity, sold to white people (honkey, as they call it, in lemonade country, the con artists' top trapsmen, the 'hoodlums', people with money that con their father, so they can confidence grift your father into free money, which you are to him anyways, praise the Securities and Exchange Commission for trying to stop it, or shutting down the Gilded Halls' enemies, the 'Lethos', the bondage guilds of commission contracting using 'false top' prostitutes, women who expect somethig besides money and time for sex, especially 'contract fraisons', women who are mobsters or transgenders that scare children with pornstar 'network' offers, the concept of an internal review of clients from a prostitute that's been busted by a 'fag boy', a cop or tipster that busts a popular hooker, a woman that gets you back into women after you've been 'fag hagged' by a 'grinch', the conventional term for a mobster that wants to marry your wife).

Apologies for the long diration, but the words do not quite come at the rate to indicate the complexity of the issue.  Judas is known to do that, in any trap, hence how they are spotted, from an 'influence check', by a sobriety marshall, to see if they are having fun, instead of dying, at the state's influence, not a province, but rather the generalized concept of government 'running smoothly', a cop's 'fudge pants'.

Two additional systems exist, mothers, to help your son.

If you've sold for power, and have had a son for lust of a woman, or a man, or money, or power, and you wanted to sell out everyone else in your system, but you are in danger of post partum depression from the natural atrimony of womanhood's collective connection with victims, having cradled your chidl in your arms, give them a women's grammatical police code compunction.  All cops, use women's logic, and if they don't, they're a 'stigglewiecz', the Jewish term for a corrupt bandarme, a false Jew saluting one, particularly in a film or movie.  Your first words, to your son, should be a women's version, of a famous fascist quote by one of your country's world leaders, always respected and egalitarian, such as Eisenhower, Lincoln, Kennedy, or even Monroe, appropriate to your state and area, to the judgement of how to piss off the father into targeting a battered women's shelter, not you or the child.  This will make your son hate and protect you, forever, and if you die, it will be blamed on the father, and the entire network of Christs you are involved in.  In other words, you will raise an Antichrist, a Christian born to police, military, or espionage duty, for your country of origin.

If you've sold out to a political vanguard, you'll have to induce Pelopenneisan Disorder, to prevent your son from getting involved in Partisan's Syndrome, as a burned informant for a political party and a politician your husband is promoting through you.  This is a frauds, securities, treasuries, or internal review agent, for a police department, or otherwise a vigilante hunting the politician supporting the vanguard.  Christianity doesn't work, but this is a women's secret, to use on a son.  When he's hitting puberty, and has begun to masturbate, and he will, always arrange for him to have acces to pornography (age 11-13, is when masturbate, or begin to), tell him "be a homophobe, I can't tell you why, but it will make sense one day".  If you've prepared this properly, he should dislike gay men and lesbian women, and obey marks from each on the other, to remove him from the influence of any politicians or vanguards or cop undercovers or mobster outfits or felon artists, unless he intends to confidence grift them into betraying your husband's chosen candidate.  This will place their police union, out of type, hence their opposing cause, will control the police, and then the commission, will purge them, into Catholic atrophy, the concept of a President or leader or even a town politician that removes the influence of the party, through alliance with your husband's hated patron.  They will take themselves, and flip themselves upside down, in a fictional character, without admitting it, very young.  Any means they will approach to do this, and it will be printed, in art.

The combination of Judas, police service, and Pelopennesian, is called a Beast, the term for someone that is so vicious in approaching their tactic, that they will be a real life social phenomenon, definable by nobody, hence escaping Judas' trap entirely, and redefining the system, to be a Hierophant, destroying an entire order of Jesuits.  A Jesuit, is an anti-Catholic policy, for sex offenders held by Catholics in traps, to manipulate lawsuit rulings, to destroy those patronized by lawyers, governments, brokers, and police, actually fathers of future homosexuals (first generation politicians and their vanguards), and they will all be zombified into transgenders.  Your son, meanwhile, will be an alpha male, having served the Knights Templar well.


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