New England Police

 To raise a police officer for New England, the only vestige remaining after Common Core, you need the following steps.

The child needs to be read to, one hour a day, for the first sixty days of life.  Adult books, and if you're royal, the Bible, the green and red copy, without a Latin bridge, so you can be Italian without denoting yourself as a midriff, a dirty cop.  

That means, that Gideon's copies, are refused.  Any children's books, are refused, and family books from the father, are only accepted through pattern, particularly a Gypsy, an "eradicator", a field police agent that works as a domestic spy, if they haven't made overseas duty, through having to cut through another agent in training or deployment, a green sash on their death for the officer ordering or killing them.

To work New England (major case compatible), Auldic should be read to the child.  To work New York (fraud revenue compatible), Vulgates Latin should be read.  To work Southern compatible (engineering or market fraud), Gaelic should be read to.  To work Midwest (state police bounty hunter, Wicca), Cree should be read to the child.  To work California, Northwest, or Southwest (media fraud agent), Bantu should be read to.  To work Texas (ICE, INS, or El Paso border patrol), Spanish should be read to the child.

A children's book should never be read, a Roman history, family father's text, and Biblical history is preferred, with the mother's denotation the proper hunt for Jesus, the father's major resemblance to attraction of marriage, and her least favorite thing about Jesus of surface refutation of faith as if a child.  If this fails, the child is an espionage candidate, never a lawyer or economist, a politician if conned.

If the mother is trapped in a Christ form (an anti-Catholic and anti-Semitic system, determined if membership or attendance cannot be removed, including religious attendance through insistence of husband), the child must convert to Buddha or be homosexual, the former a Judas, a sacred of the Knights Templar, the gilded letters of the Church to support, and the latter an eventuality, from molestation of child.


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