Childhood Antisocial Disorders (Sociopathic Personalities; Sexual Assault in Perception of Justice)
Once qualified for higher level, then lower level is possible. Type Nil: Direct application of propaganda, diagnostic, or fiction, without ability to change. Criminal. Flaw: believes that proper respect is racist, for an advantage in social maneuver. Highschool diploma. Type A: Application of monetary theory, as wealth being from own small share, any committing fraud is depriving from same theory. Collegiate. Flaw: Incapable of dealing with homosexuals, due to the homoerotic assumption of own support in childhood feeding by parent at table (sharing is caring, etc.). Type B: Application of multiple deviations of gear works political support, into singular entity of pairs, with any given group protecting the accused as the victim. Lawyer. Flaw: Incapable of simplifying theory, for police officers, without the police officer causing a military conflict (sports teams logic, in international politics). Type C: Application of national th...