Austrian Parenting (The Strauss Family)
Austrian parenting, features a hidden surplus of wealth in equity and frozen assets of real estate to lodge tenants in. While appearing to be poor, they are actually quite rich, and if forced to abuse their children, liquidate their assets with travel, luring in the family that did so into poor investments on behalf of their stock held jobs and brokerages, through family advice, massed against the enemy point of finance and corruption. As a child, they will be given an option, through a neighboring family, a rich one that abuses their child, often with lawyer's or sheriff's services, to submit an item to a foreign nation or intelligence service. If the child wins, and the abusive parent offers the Austrian child the opportunity to plan a foreign service, the parents will refuse. However, if the child wins, and the abusive father insists on stealing money, no more will be spoken of it until the Austrian child spots the enemy tactica, and defects, spotted through a line's sig...